Psalm 119

Last Saturday, instead of sleeping in, I woke up bright and early. Feeling a need for an extended quiet time before starting the day, I got up, grabbed a cup of coffee, and made a conscious effort to be still.

My cell phone has a Bible Verse (from the Bible Gateway App) sent to my inbox each morning.  In addition to the daily verse is a link to the chapter where the verse of the day is found.  Saturday’s verse was Psalm 119:18 NIV. 

“Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law.”

It prompted me to click on the link to see all of Psalm 119, which I soon realized contained a total of 176 verses- the longest chapter in the Bible! (Psalm 117 is the shortest chapter with only two verses.)

At first glance, I questioned if I had enough time to read through the entire chapter, but since I was up before the sun, there was no excuse not to!

The chapter is rich with wisdom and blessings. I’m so thankful I read it to the very end. One verse you may already be familiar with is verse 105. “Your word is a lamp unto my feet and a light for my path.”

The chapters and verses in Psalm 119 contain repetitive meditations on the beauty of God’s Word and how it helps us stay pure, growing in faith. Reading it reminded me of God’s goodness to believers- His faithfulness to all who seek Him.

May I challenge you to find a window of time this week to read Psalm 119? You may be reminded as I was, the importance of daily reading God’s Word so we can benefit from His faithfulness and all the blessings he wants to give us. The rewards of reading and applying God’s Word to our lives is endless. I hope it’s on your list of things to be thankful for this Thursday. Happy Thanksgiving!


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