Know Truth

photo courtesy of Blake Cheek upsplash

Ever sit down to do something when suddenly you’re faced with a distraction? An hour later wondering, “Now, where was I?”

This is a frequent occurrence for me, especially when I’m trying to read God‘s word. Can anyone relate?

satan uses this distraction tactic all the time. After all, The Bible says the devil comes to steal, kill, and destroy. Why wouldn’t he try keeping us from what’s essential, including our spiritual growth?

He does this in our marriages and families too- by trying to steal our joy. He throws distractions in our paths so we focus on the distraction, rather than our work or calling. 

It is a daily battle ground. satan tries to find our weak spot, and then attacks. I’ve come to expect it. 

Could I challenge us today to keep our focus where it belongs?

Ephesians 6:11 says, “ Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil‘s schemes.”

Ephesians 6:14 continues with, “Stand firm then, with the belt of TRUTH buckled around your waist.”

Since the enemy is a liar, he wants us to see gray instead of what the Bible says is clearly 

black and white.

It’s convenient to go along with what the world says. Culture is manipulative that way. Instead of finding out what GOD says, we choose herd mentality. 

(I’m sorry to say there are many churches who have been deceived and do not preach truth- therefore deceiving members as well.)

We, as Christians, have a responsibility to study and know God’s Word, taking it seriously. We need to be going to the source for wisdom and truth- not our feelings or what our friends are saying. 

If we are not in the Word daily, and are unsure of what it says, we will be swayed by culture quite easily. 

The Bible speaks of “extinguishing flaming arrows of the evil one”. 

Friends, don’t be deceived. 

Seek truth and pursue it. 


  1. Yes!!! The ONLY way to know and discern Truth is to read God’s Word . Thank you, Debra, for writing this.

  2. Yes! The ONLY way to know and discern truth is to read and meditate on God’s Word daily. Thank you, Debra, for sharing this.

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