What Do You See?

What do you see?

You know the little unwanted fuzzies that show up on sweaters? I was an adult in my 20’s before I realized plooshees were not part of the English language! It must have Dutch origin, because “plooshee” was common verbiage in my family.

Very often, we have other plooshees needing disposal. What comes to mind are lies we’ve believed—just because we grew up with them and carried them around without realizing it—much like a plooshee on a sweater.

I still remember hurtful words said by a college classmate. Lies. Triggers cause them to re-surface and they still stick. I’d love to be rid of them!

One way to remove a plooshee lie is to replace it with truth. What does God say about me?

When I look in the mirror, who am I? Here are a few to get started:

I am celebrated, loved, chosen, cherished, accepted, esteemed.

Anything less is a plooshee for the trash bin.


  1. Great reminder to replace lies with God’s truth. I’ve really been working on that in recent years. It makes a big difference! (Oh, and in my husband’s Dutch family, they call those fuzzies “flooshees.” We use it all the time.) 🙂 ~Robyn

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