What’s Your Battle Cry?

Photo courtesy of Sander Sammy, unsplash

Compared to other nations, Israel was tiny and insignificant—yet they won many battles.

What was the secret to their success?

“Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we will remember the name of the Lord our God.” Psalm 20:7

I love their battle cry because it is the secret to living an abundant life.

Could I challenge you to remember this when you face the giants in your life? When everything seems too hard and the daily troubles just too much?

We can be more than conquerors when we make the right choice. Choosing to follow God and seeking Him must replace “winging it” in our own strength.

He promises restoration to every weary heart, and that is a good word we all need reminding of. I know I do! 💗


  1. Debra, I love the story of Jehoshaphat’s putting the SINGERS on the front lines, singing “Praise the Lord! His mercy endures forever and ever!” and the three enemy armies were thrown into confusion and killed one another! Never underestimate the power of praise and the Word of God. 😉

  2. Debra, I love the story of Jehoshaphat’s putting the SINGERS on the front lines, singing “Praise the Lord! His mercy endures forever and ever!” and the three enemy armies were thrown into confusion and killed one another! Never underestimate the power of praise and the Word of God. 😉

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