Is the Giant ALL You See?

Photo courtesy of Bill Bell

I have to credit Max Lucado’s Upwords Devotional (from 6/10/22), taken from his book, “They Walked with God—40 Bible Characters that Inspire Us”. It is undeniably uplifting! Indeed, so good, I just have to share—

Max begins by describing David and Goliath. Skinny, scrawny shepherd boy vs. bulky, brutish giant.

Aren’t we immediately drawn to this story of good verses evil?

Max goes on to describe and list the everyday problems (giants) we face. Then he poses the question: Sure, you’ve seen your Goliath, but is he ALL you see?

He says, “David sees the giant, mind you; he just sees God more so. Look carefully at his battle cry: ‘You come to me with a sword, with a spear, and with a javelin. But I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel’ (1 Samuel 17:45 NKJV). 

Rush your giant with a God-saturated soul. How long since you loaded your sling and took a swing at your giant?”

One more battle cry I want to claim and shout! Reminds me of 🎶“My fear doesn’t stand a chance when I stand in your love.”🎶

What about you? Ready to slay your giant? With God’s help, WE CAN DO THIS!


  1. I love that song, Debra. The daughter of one of my friends, who is on the worship team at her church, said they had been singing it, but leaving out the word “my.” They refused to claim fear as their own, so they just sing, “Fear doesn’t stand a chance …”

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