What’s Essential?

What’s Essential?

Just before praying this morning, I heard the disgusting, all-too-familiar sound of my cat’s attempts at dislodging a hairball.  I quickly checked her location (to ensure she wasn’t on anything fabric or carpeted) and headed her way as I grabbed a paper towel. (I know, I know, EEEWWWW, right?)

Upon cleaning up the mess, I noticed crumbs on the floor, so I wiped them up too, and then proceeded to clean my entire kitchen floor.

About that time I heard the alarm to my washing machine, which prompted me to throw the clean clothes in the dryer.

Then my phone, still on silent, buzzed, leading me to pick it up (what if it’s an emergency?) which caused me to check text messages, scroll emails, find out the weather conditions for the day, and see what’s new on Facebook.

Help! No wonder our cell phones have been termed “dopamine dispensers”!

Realizing the best part of an hour had slipped by, I came back to focus on whatever it was I was doing before.  Oh, right. Prayer.

Why is it that I was so easily distracted by the non-essentials that I quickly forgot what is most essential?

I have a new little booklet I’ve been reading daily- specifically on prayer- called “Fresh Start”.

I decided to see what it said before praying.

I read about prayer being powerful, productive, and essential. I read about how the devil knows prayer is essential, so he fights to keep us bored with prayer, which can result in sleeping in, (check) scrolling through our phones, (double check) and any other distractions. (Check, check, check.)

Wow. Convicted!!! Did you notice how clever the enemy is? Sneaky as a snake! My morning routine got turned upside down. I slipped into his grip without even realizing it. 

Anybody with me? Tomorrow will be different. Tomorrow I will be on guard. I’ll be ready.

“Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.”      1 Peter 5:8 NIV

PRAYER is essential. Distractions are not. 

We need to be alert. Ignore the distractions. (Note to self: Put phone in drawer in other room, on silent.) Do not be devoured.

Prayer: Lord, help us to focus on what is essential. Help us make prayer our priority. You want us to spend time with you, to know your will and bless our day. Thank you. Amen!


  1. Amen! The need to distinguish between the urgent and the important. (And whether the “urgent” is truly urgent. :/ )
    Also, a reminder that Satan’s voice can sound just like ours, speaking in the first person. (“I’ll pray in a minute, but first I need to …”)
    Is there a believer on earth who can’t relate to this daily battle?

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