Who Encourages You?

My gracious and brave friend lives across the ocean and goes to bed when I’m waking up. She is an encourager and a writer (even though she doesn’t know it, yet).

She calls me “She Wolf” — fiercely focused, eyes fixed to pounce, to take down the enemy’s lies, to play my part with Him, setting others free to dance. Those are her words, not mine, but it gives me what I need to stay the course. 

What about you? Do you have someone who encourages you when you’re weary in life’s battles? Maybe you could reach out to your battle buddy today? 

Give each other hope and blessing. Who just came to mind?


  1. I have a friend or two in my old home town who will drop everything and pray with me on the phone, and vise versa. We share one another’s burdens and joys, and that means a lot to me.
    I lost my other “battle buddy” two days ago. He was my companion on my daily prayer walks, or of it was too rainy or cold to be out, I would have my quiet time in the love seat, with him sitting on my lap. He stayed loyal until he was mostly deaf and mostly blind, and when last week he lost what was left of his eyesight, overnight he became unable to walk without losing his balance or bumping into things. When on the last day I held him, scratched his ears, and said into his barely hearing ear, “I love my puppy,” he wagged his tail, and my heart broke. I will miss him.

    1. I do relate to missing a pet. I’m so sorry your faithful companion died. Sometimes it seems they are better at listening and understanding than humans. I know you will miss him. My heart breaks with you. Praying God fills the vacancy with his own precious self. 😢

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