Silence the Enemy

Photo courtesy of Max Nayman, unsplash

Put on the full armor of God. I’ll go one step further and say, “Never take it off!”

Part of donning God’s armor includes buckling on the Belt of Truth.

If you’ve been following me for very long, you may already know I am a big fan of memorizing scripture. The other day I was reminded why.

I find a verse that ministers to me (usually a promise like, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” Hebrews 13:5) and tuck it away.

When fear or doubt creeps in and I’m tempted to forget God is right there with me, walking through every single circumstance, his Holy Spirit prompts me to remember the verse.

When the pearl of truth comes to mind, I say it out loud and all at once, the enemy has released his grip and is running away. (Such a coward!)

We can silence the devil with a word of truth! Try it for yourself—and notice the results.


  1. Haha, I just finished reading a blog post about “Turning it off!” (Too much noise these days.) I guess there’s “noise,” and then there’s the sound of battle. When the children of Israel marched around Jericho, they were told not to say a word for six days – probably because those words would have been full of doubt. But once they gave a shout of faith, the walls came down! Jesus countered every temptation with the “sword of the Spirit,” the Word of God, and Satan fled. I thank the Lord every day that He has armed us for every battle. As you say, we just need to keep it on, with those weapons within reach at all times. Good reminder, Debra.

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