Is This You?

Anybody having trouble sleeping at night?

Although “little things” are probably only little things, once betrayal occurs, our brain shifts into high gear.

Suddenly little things are big things, causing us to toss, turn, and stare at the ceiling until dawn lightens the room. Our thoughts lead us on a downward spiral, leaving us tired and cranky the next day.

I’ve been there—it’s frustrating, I know. When you can’t get back to sleep, and then when you add somebody’s snoring to the mix, it’s hopeless!

You catch yourself measuring the dimensions of your pillow at 2am to assess if it would sufficiently snuff out the snoring! 😂

Don’t we just wish this isn’t our truth? Our once-upon-a-time dream is now a never-ending nightmare instead.

Dear Jesus,

Please provide comfort and rest during our nights. Fill us with peace, beyond human understanding. Let us be aware of your wing of protection, gently covering us and holding us close to you. You love us and will never leave us alone during dark and lonely nights. In fact, nothing can ever separate us from your love. Help us to trust you in all things. Thank you.


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