
Photo courtesy of Alex Iby, unsplash

Healing from betrayal trauma in my own strength kept me isolated and feeling hopeless, but when I began to trust Jesus with my circumstances, I was able to get un-stuck to move forward in healing. 

One may feel happy, relieved, or better about her situation after a period of time—perhaps even moving on to a new relationship, but when the hole in one’s heart is filled by anything but Jesus, complete healing doesn’t happen. 

Therapists, support groups, and reading books help, but Jesus provides what mental health professionals cannot. His love, mercy, and peace exceeds our understanding. 

If you find yourself “stuck between a rock and a hard place”, take time for self reflection. Determine reasons for not making progress. 

Focus on the one who can propel you forward to the abundant life he promises. Start by understanding your identity in Christ according to His true word. What does God say about you?

Once you understand this, His will and direction become more clear. 

Choose healing. Choose Jesus.

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