JOY: Grace Recognized

I’ll never forget that October Saturday with the brilliant sunshine and multi-colored leaves, all the crispy scents of autumn in the air. We were about to embark on our zoo outing. My little one couldn’t wait. Within seconds, everything changed. Chaos. Despair. Crazy desperation. Can’t …

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Trials: Blessings in Disguise?

Years ago, driving home every Thursday night after meeting with my wives care group, I’d hear Laura Story’s song, “Blessings”. It must have been on a loop to faithfully play week after week. Read the lyrics— We pray for blessings, We pray for peace, Comfort …

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PTSD and Rest

When I first attended a wives recovery group, women were labeled “co-sex addicts”, given a workbook with a 12-step program, and left feeling they were to blame for their husbands’ choices.  I’m grateful that more therapists and group leaders have since received training specifically geared …

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